Leo Stuff: I don't give a shit!


Leo Stuff

As you might know Leo people especially Khal and Nomad are bothering many of the hive stakeholders, via DM. They are peddling you to vote on their proposal. I have been very public against this effort from the very beginning, and I have written a boat load of post on why I am against voting their proposal. It is not just me, but many others have done so as well.
I know that several hive stakeholders are pushed into unvoting the return proposal in addition to vote on Leo proposal. They have been trying that for a long time and please folks, do not bend under pressure. What you do here matters, and your actions will be written on the blockchain, there is no way to hide from it. Later on time will come when you might regret it, and then it will be too late.
Why do I say this? Because this is a terrible financial decision as a stakeholder supporting Leo proposal. I have explained why in the posts above clearly.
Please read into the details and consider re-visiting your actions.

Khal on my DM

I have Khal blocked in every possible way, but still he found a way to reach me on mattermost. I want to put the conversation public. I have said to him that I will make this conversation public, so there is no issue about it.
Hey, I'm sure I'm the last person you expect to reach out to you but I am reaching out to see if we can mend any fences. I know there have been quite a few disagreements between us but I have found that most disagreements are misunderstandings and can be sorted out with a simple audio call.
If you are open to it, I would love to chat and mend any misgivings. I'm an investor in Hive and I believe in making this ecosystem successful. I also am a huge fan of Splinterlands and have worked hard on things like the "Join INLEO, Earn SPS" integration where Splinterlands players can share stuff about the game on INLEO and actually earn SPS (LEO gets swapped for SPS automatically on the backend which results in buy pressure on the SPS token).
I am not peddling for your vote in any sense and will not ask you for your support, my only goal here is to at least be on neutral terms with someone who I believe also wants Hive to succeed. I know I can rub people the wrong way at times because I tend to charge hard into experimentation and trying to push the technology of our platform forward. I think a call could do really well for us to just clear the air.
If that's something you are open to, feel free to DM me anytime with your schedule and I will make myself available at your convenience. Hope you have a great weekend!
There you have it. You read and make your own determination.
The thing that bothers me the most is the fact that he says the following:
I personally have over 1.5M HIVE POWER but keep it in non-doxxed accounts for my own personal reasons
By the way, he says that not just to me, but to many others for years. I honestly have no idea why. Why would you do such a thing? If anyone have any idea please enlighten me.
To the open source thing: here is my take.

I don't give a shit!

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