Philosopher|Mental Health Enthusiast|Storyteller
It seems like a never-ending question whether you're supposed to accept yourself and your life for the way it is or constantly try to better yourself and make the most of life.The internet doesn't help answer this question either. While some suggest a more laid-back approach towards life and focus more on accepting reality, others are determined in their pursuit of trying to change it.
Content Writing is increasingly becoming a more diverse and saturated career option as brands all over the world are trying to engage with their target audience and form lasting relationships with them.Social Media, unsurprisingly, is a big reason for that. The consumer of today looks not just for convenience and utility in his purchase, but rather for meaning and value.
So you cracked that interview and landed your first job. Great. Now what? Well, get ready to grow up because you're gonna learn a lot of new stuff in a lot less time.I've been in the corporate world for almost 9 months now and it has definitely changed a big part of my perception of the world.
High school can be tough, I get it. Sitting through boring lectures, learning about things you have no interest in, and trying to avoid bullies, all while also trying to impress that cute girl you like in your class. Been there
Dear 2019 Now that you're gone, maybe it's time I move on too. Move on with the lessons you taught me and welcome the life that awaits me; a life filled with battles that I'm yet to fight.You were quite a challenge, I must admit.
I've given my fair share of interviews in the past few months or so and one thing that I've noticed is how employers try to exploit and cheat their employees, especially freshers, to get them to work for way less salary than what they actually deserve.