Good afternoon great and wonderful family. I'm
@ayakaliman and this is my entry for the weekly prompt 38 " Things i did that i find childish now"
I will be giving my story abit and wish it worth reading.
Things I Did That I Find Childish Now: A Reflection on Personal Growth
As we journey through life, we inevitably grow and mature. Our perspectives broaden, and we develop new insights that help us reevaluate our past actions. Recently, I've been reflecting on my childhood and teenage years, and I've identified several behaviors that I now find childish.
The Joy of Immaturity
Growing up, I was a bit of a wild child. I loved playing pranks on my siblings and friends, and I would often engage in silly competitions to prove my superiority. While these antics brought me joy at the time, I now recognize how immature and selfish they were.
The Drama and Attention-Seeking
As a teenager, I was prone to dramatic outbursts and attention-seeking behavior. I would often create unnecessary conflict or make a big deal out of minor issues, all to get a reaction from those around me. Looking back, I realize how exhausting and draining this behavior must have been for my loved ones.
The Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)
During my younger years, I was consumed by FOMO. I felt like I needed to attend every party, event, and gathering, lest I miss out on something important. This mindset led me to overcommit and spread myself too thin, ultimately causing burnout and stress.
The Comparison Game
I used to be a master comparer. I would constantly measure myself against others, whether it was in academics, sports, or social status, worst of all i even compare my family with that of others around in the community. This behavior led to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem, as I always seemed to come up short in my own mind.
The Growth and Self-Awareness
As I've grown older, I've come to recognize the childishness of these behaviors. I've learned to appreciate the value of humility, self-awareness, and emotional intelligence. I've developed healthier coping mechanisms and communication skills, which have helped me build stronger, more meaningful relationships.
Embracing the Present
Looking back on my past actions, I'm reminded that growth and maturity are lifelong processes. It's okay to acknowledge and learn from our mistakes, rather than dwelling on them or trying to hide them. By embracing our imperfections and vulnerabilities, we can work towards becoming better versions of ourselves.
Thank you for reading through this entry.
Liman Ayaka Agbu