Normally we do have very humid air here at the Eastern coast of the Baltic Sea. Especially it is noticeable during the winter. In this situation in a situation of a little negative temperature you feel much more colder, rather than if you live in a dry air climate
And when first cold is coming rapidly, time to time it covers all around in a frost, making all the world around look much more unusual and beautiful.
That scenario has happened last Wednesday. And the cold air stayed through all the day with quite a sunny weather, making all those nature crystal gems to shine even more beautiful. Had no other choice actually, just to grab my camera with a macro lens and try to get deeper to the macro world of the Kingdom of Frost
Quite a lot of frames to follow in next story's posts
Enjoy the closer views!
Category | Nature |
Camera | Canon 6D / Canon 100mm f/2.8L / Natural light |
You can buy my works in hi-resolution digital format
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