# It's surviving time! - Splinter Stats Ranked Rewards Season 66 Report Card



Hi everyone!
So the new Survival Mode has implemented today and at this point... I'm not brave enough to play it.
I think, personally, for my collection, I don't have enough cards to to cycle through and so I imagine I'd suffer a drop in Glint over a season. They say the reward will be worth the risk... but I'm not sure if I have the chops...
I'll be keeping an eye on it for sure... and while it's not for me, I am pretty excited that this new mode may increase demand for rentals. I've still got a lot of rentals.
Last season I got a couple of duplicate Legendary cards and wasn't sure what the resale would be like.
I'm pleased to share that they all sold!
It took about a week and a half. I'm super pleased because I wasn't sure if there was a market for it at all... The market graphs on Splintercards don't seem to be working and I don't know of another way to check if particular cards have sold before or not.
Potentially foolishly and buoyed by the success of my Rebellion Reward card Legendary sales, I put 4 Gold Foil Epic cards up for sale... and so far only one has sold. They're all the cheapest versions... but I'm not sure how many people are willing to pay for Gold Foil Reward cards. I guess we'll how it goes towards the end of this run.
It is a risk... because you have to spend so much to unlock the cards... if something doesn't sell... you have all that DEC just sitting on that asset sitting in the store.

Match Report


I tried a new strategy this season!
Previously I had just played Modern at the start of the season until the microsecond it got into Diamond II and then spent the rest of the season trying to earn as much Glint as I could in Wild.
I was doing this because the Glint rewards were significantly better in Wild, sometimes 2X. Now though, they seem to be roughly the same... and I thought I might have a better chance with less (not no) bots.
The good news is that I got into Diamond I and Champs III for the first time ever, so I could the Modern Diamond I Loot Chest rewards which is a super rarity for me. I did not expect to get into Champs III though... it was looking very unlikely until my 2nd last possible game minutes before the season ended.
So... think I'll keep this strategy going for a while. I'm so curious about the competition in Wild and Modern while everyone goes to try out Survival Mode. I would not be surprised if I struggle to find games.

Rewards Report

Earnt Tokens (Ranked Rewards)

Glint season rewards will show in the season they are claimed.
Alright... even with my new strategy, I undershot my goal of 537500 Glint... but still had surplus Glint to keep me afloat...
Here is my Glint collection for the season:
The thing is.... my goals have changed now.
I don't think it makes sense for me to get the Legendary draws anymore. I am 9 cards in total from maxing out the Rebellion Rewards Legendary set. 3 for the Death Ranger and 6 for the Surly Drunk.
I think it makes more sense to focus on Rares and Commons... and then sell any duplicative Legendaries I pick up in Loot Chests to afford the missing cards.
I do have 3 Gold Foil Legendary cards I'd love to sell... but it literally costs $180 USD worth of DEC to unlock them. If I spent that and no one bought them... yeeesh.
Alright, let's get on with the show...
I've got two Epics maxed already, so there's a good chance I'll get more versions of those exact ones... whoooo!
25 Epic Draws for 187,500 Glint with 25 Alchemy potions:
Whoa! I got 8 out of 25 cards that I didn't want. Luckily these ones seem pretty easy to sell.
I've only got 11% so time to get to work!
100 Rare Draws for 75000 Glint with 0 Alchemy potions:
100 cards is too many to screenshot... but I got one gold foil card in this batch.
400 Common Draws for 60000 Glint with 0 Alchemy potions:
I got 9 gold foil cards in this batch.
I'll also buy a batch of Major Loot Chests, which, from memory, I think was the best value.
150 Major Loot Chests for 150,000 Glint with 0 Alchemy potions and 0 Legendary potions:
  • A bunch of stuff
  • 31 rares
  • 2 gold foil commons
  • 4 epics
  • 1 Legendary
This leaves me with 126,777 Glint remaining. I could buy 28 Ultimate Chests... but I'm not sure if they're good value or not... so I'll leave those for the moment.
Pretty great haul overall.

🟣 Rental Report

Pretty much the same as last season... maybe they'll go up now with Survival Mode?

⭐ SPS Report

Since I had forgotten to claim any SPS last season, I'd expect this season to be double... but it's not a huge number. I expect buying Heloise really killed my SPS generation.
All in all a pretty interesting and fun season... and it does seem like a little more enthusiasm is creeping into the game which is really exciting.
Hope you're all having fun! I'm off to put a bunch of duplicates on the market.

Posted using SplinterStats Season Report Card (Website|Blog).
This once a season tool for Splinterlands players provides a template to reflect on and share their performance, card usage statistics and rewards summary for the season. More features will be released in the future.
Follow @splinterstats and come visit us in Discord if you have any questions.
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