Hi there!
In last weeks post, I introduced Botanical TD to you, which is the very first non crypto game
@thebluewin and I are working on and developing to finally release it on Steam at the end of November. The first post focused on the three different game mode, the buffs you give your enemies and the plants and fruit that defend the map against these enemies. If you haven’t read it, you can check it out
Today I would like to talk about the different maps of the game. There are eight of them so far and there will be no more added until the game is released. So, to give you an impression of the gameplay first, here is our trailer of Botanical TD:
The eight maps of the game:
As I mentioned in my last post, there are three game modes for each map you can play. You have to successfully finish “easy” mode on map one in order to unlock “hard” mode on the same map and “easy” mode for map two and so on. “Endless” mode of a map will be unlocked once you completed “hard” mode. So, for “easy” and “hard” the aim of the game is for you to destroy a crystal that is located somewhere on the map by shooting it before the enemies overrun you. There are some differences between “easy” and “hard”. In “hard” mode you have to destroy more crystals on the map, the buffs you have to give the enemies are stronger, you can use five plants instead of three and if there are sunflowers preplanted on the map, you will have less on “hard” mode. Now, every map is a little different. Let’s have a look at it.
Map 1:
You start off with a medium amount of seeds and a sunflower. If you play “easy” you have to destroy one crystal, whereas on “hard” mode there are two crystals with more lives each. You can buy plants for seeds and put them anywhere on a free spot in the grass. Enemies will appear on the left side bottom and make their way through the map. You lose, if X enemies reach the opposite side of the map before you destroyed all crystals.
Map 2:
There will be a lot of preplanted sunflower on this map but no seeds in the beginning. The enemies start entering on the right side and make their way to the center of the map on a circle like path. There are a lot of long and straight sections on the path. Plants can be placed on the free spots in the grass within the fence.
Map 3:
You start with no preplanted sunflower but a lager amount of seeds. The enemies can use teleporters. They start on the left side and go all the way to the right side where they use the teleporter to reach the lane below. Their goal is to reach the end of the map on the bottom right. You can put your plants only in between two paths on the grass.
Map 4:
Again, you start without sunflowers and a lot of seeds. Very special about this map is, that enemies have a lot of different options to reach their goal from the bottom to the right side. They will always choose the shortest way, so you can block paths by growing weed on explicitly marked points on the path. Plants can be planted anywhere on the grass.
Map 5:
You start with sunflowers and a medium amount of seeds. Enemies spawn randomly at one of the four possible entrances to the map. They make their way to the teleporters that are located in the middle of the map. They will be teleported to the path below so they can leave the map at the bottom. Again, you have the option to block paths by growing weed. All four entrances are marked with a tiny weed plant. Note that you can only block a max of three out of four paths. Plants can be placed on the grass in the center of the map (the land that is surrounded by water).
Map 6:
You start with some sunflowers and a medium amount of seeds. The enemies enter the map on the left side. Their goal is to gross the field and reach the right side. You can only place plants on the brighter fields (it looks similar to a chess board). Once a field is occupied by a plant, enemies will evade and calculate a new route to their destination.
Map 7:
There will be no preplanted sunflowers on this map but a big amount of seeds. Enemies cross the map from the left to the right on a single straight path. Plants can only be placed on lily pads on the river, which is constantly moving. Every plant placed on a lily pad receives a 100% damage buff.
Map 8:
This map starts with a big amount of seeds and a low leveled sunflower. Enemies have two possible routes to take and enter the map at the bottom left. Once they spawn the path they take is randomly chosen. You can grow weed on one point on the path to block it. You can place plants anywhere on the grass or on the lily pads on the lake, where again, they receive a 100% damage buff.
As you can see, there are a lot of different and special mechanics for all different the maps. Some plants will work better on some maps than others. So you have to choose wisely before you start.
Now I am really excited to hear about your thoughts. Feedback is very much appreciated. There are still a lot of things on our to do list, I will keep you posted!
Please help us by wishlisting our game now on
STEAM! You can also play the free demo version of Botanical TD