The Cranberries first two records, 1992’s Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We? & 1994’s No Need To Argue are two of the most iconic nineties records ever released. Here are my two favorite songs from each album for a bonus #NinetiesFriday last minute solo post as Gene calls them!
The Cranberries- Zombie (1994)
It was really 1995 when Zombie blew up as one of the most iconic songs on all radio and MTV! alternative rock stations and pop music stations alike. This song made its mark in Nineties pop culture!
Cranberries - Ode to My Family (1994)
I mostly remember this track from it being the first song on this album. Playing it on my boom box when I’d put the CD in. I don’t even remember the other radio single from this album as Zombie was so big it overshadowed everything else on this second record but I always liked this song. I half remember hearing it on the radio but mostly I recall playing it in my room.
Cranberries - Dreams (1992)
Onto the first album! Dreams is my favorite song on the album. I think the first album often gets overlooked by how big Zombie was as a single but this band was no one hit wonder! This first record was huge commercially!
The Cranberries - Let It Linger (1992)
30 plus years later this pop hit is still referenced in movies and the pop culture all over the place! The Cranberries were nowhere near one hit or one album hit wonders. They have two of the most relevant albums in nineties culture!