Dwayne Arveno

A man who loves splinterland

Joined in 11, 2021
· 4 days ago

Hi to all my actifiters friends around the worlds, how are you doing today? i am hoping that you are all healthy and fine. Today i want to share my activity. Today i am just making some plan. After my plan finding the algorithm in e-commerce failed. So, i just need to find out other way to boosting my marketing. Maybe i will adding some stuff or making some stuff. So i will be the factory. And that means i will be home industry. Just to try it on marketplace. And if this failed too, i will trying to be property agent. And if that failed too, maybe i will adding some scholar account. And if failed again. Errr... i dunno, think later. Just try everything. Like some wise man said. ** I believe when we shot with 100 bullet at least 1 bullet wont miss**. I dont know very sure. But lets try. Since i am getting used with failure. And due the worst time management for today (because of my wife work hours change everyday in this week), that will affect to my schedule so i skipping workout today. It will be not good if i insisting doing workout. Either i cannot finish my workout because need to pick my wife. Or i will be exhausted due short rest period every set. And leg day is kinda need to full concentrate and focus. Because yeah leg day is draining my energy super fast and make my heart beat faster than usual in instant. Not like other muscle that need little. by little until i cannot do it anymore. This report was published via Actifit app (Android). Check out the original version here on actifit.io12/09/20245323 <div class="text-center"

· 5 days ago

Hi to all my actifiters friends around the worlds, how are you doing today? i am hoping that you are all healthy and fine. Today me and my parents going to my uncle funeral. Yeah thats shock me a little bit after read the news in my family group messages yesterday. In past few months me and my brother visiting my uncle, because we heard that he need to be amputated due the diabetic. And because of that i am afraid about diabetic. For your information. My grandfather from my mother died due to diabetic complication. And my aunt got diabetic too. And my uncle need to be amputated due the diabetic. So, i have conclution that the bloodline from my mother carrier diabetic genetic. Thats makes me afraid of this sickness. If you follow me from past 3 months you will know that i am starting to do home gym. Doing weigthlifting in home. And you know what that makes me better. I am not doing test for my blood sugar. But almost everyday i test my blood pressure. And the result is fantastic. Before i am workout, the normal is yeah stable. But when stressed out my blood pressure can be rising up and goes very high. Lately even though i am stressed out the blood pressure rising just a little bit and still controlable. And when i am in rest condition my blood pressure almost reaching 100 systolic and 65 diastolic. Thats never happened to me since my 20's. So, i think it is good signs. For my body. It not changing much. Some part of my muscles yeah got little bit bigger. But yeah the tone is bold and make a good shape. Maybe because is still eat whatever i want that makes my body slowly progress. And sometimes i lack of rest due the stressed out about getting money. And today i am having more surprise frok my son.
