Aqsa Sattar

A quick learner and multi talented personality


Joined in 01, 2023
18. May 2024
Sharing my thoughts and gratitude for my only role model "My Mom"

Hello everyone, Hope you will be doing really good. I am here with another post in which I will be sharing the marvelous characters of my lovely mother, she is a woman with great tenacity and firm hold up. Here if I will try my best to explain her my words will turn short. I reflect the efforts she put in my upbringings and good teachings from my childhood to till now. My mother is the true model of immense courage she set from start. It鈥檚 always an inspiring thing for me the way she faced and stood up in front of all the challenges she faced. She always gathered strength not only for her but also for running a successful family. Since we were living in a small village with not a single hope to grow in a literate way, she made it possible by her manly power. She used to drop me and attend the parent鈥檚 teacher meeting of our schools alone as my father was giving his services in army. She stood up always by our side, she fought with cruel backward thoughts of villagers and the villain in laws she got. Whether it was sun or rain nothing bothered her to make her our power, our stair to reach up to success. Her unwavering capability to manage and cater things in a reasonable way like one woman army made me to always follow her in conditions when I got panic. She built a courage plant in us that is making all of my siblings not to loss hope, just stand erect whether its rain, storm, heat wave or flood of troubles. She is always my cheerleader from my childhood to till now due to his love and affection she always showed off. Her sacrifices and self-forgetting for us made me her slave to always follow her rules. Her consistency and determination to make us prominent in this word with distinctive designations made me always struggle whether its paying in start or not. I will always work hard until I get the desired fruit I want, to get the moment when I will see the sparkling light of proud in my mother鈥檚 eyes. She raised six children successfully each ranked on higher posts of government jobs, a gynecologist surgeon, an agricultural officer, a forces boy, a vice principal, a teacher and a study visa counselor (me). Her struggles are paid off, now she just needs to feel relax and proud just sitting on a couch holding a
