Hello all! My name is aqsasattar a botanists to be as Im going to complete my bachelor's degree in plant sciences from University of the Punjab, Lahore Pakistan.I am a student still and being a botany student I always intrigue to search ans know about new plants.This is my first post in this community as I come up with the plant I gethered knowledge about.
Datura innoxia
This is the plant I saw growing outside my house with beautiful flowers that attracted me most.This plant is having a scientific name Datura innoxiabut many common names like ,Angle's trumpet, Indian apple, Thorne apple, pricklyburre,and moonflower .
The name given on the basis of the appearance of its fruit and flowers as well as on its poisonous nature.
It has white flowers which look so pretty and fascinating having the shape like a trumpet that's why called the angel's trumpet.The color is usually green but they may be pale yellow or cream-colored.Petals are triangular and pointed at the end and 5 in number spreading out in star shape from the base.

I took these pictures while walking outside of my house at night.

The bush was looking so beautiful with a lot flowers on blooming at night.

At night the flowers were fresh and fully bloomed but in the sunlight they were wilting and dull.

They come out of a closed cone like structure that is formed by the sepals for the protection of inner reproductive part from desication and other environmental harms.
I disected one cone in which the petals were green when they were in pre-blooming stage.

In reproductive part numerous stemens are present at the base of flower with a single pistil in the center.

Clusters of flowers are usually present on upper side of the bush with sweet smell and fascinating bright coloring.
Stem and leavesStem and leaves are hairy and robust and culinderical shaped stem.In dense and hard condition.The leaves on it are simple and in alternate arrangement.
FruitIt's fruit is called Indian apple with a lot of appendages projecting outside.Its green in color and round in shape.
Pros and cons
It's a poisonous plant and causes hellucination dizziness.It may effect the nervous system badly and may prove fatal.Chemical compounds found in it are alkaloids,tannins, Acetylcholine,Amino acids and Carbohydrates.
It is also considered as a medicine for the fertility of man and also women and also useful for the cholic treatment.It should not be eaten directly.

Hope you would like the information I provided.I would like and respect your opinion about this.I took all this information from scientific articles and pictures by my Infinix Hot 11.