A New Season Approaches

I'm learning to be grateful for my triggers, and... I think this is going to be major for my future psychological health and well being and I think it's going to help a lot with my OCD. It already has.
Normally when an intrusive thought enters my brain it feels uncomfortable or unpleasant, now when I notice those thoughts I'm immediately trying to be grateful for them because they are teaching me how to heal and... Wow.
I had heard about doing this years ago, but never really went deep into it like I just started doing the other night and I can already feel an even more immense peace of mind.
In the longer term I don't know how much it will help or who knows maybe it'll even make it worse somehow, though... I'm experimenting and I might as well give it a try.
If when these intrusive thoughts enter and they are met with love and gratefulness instead of resistance and annoyance and frustration... Maybe things will change dramatically.
I'm curious to find out and see. :) Hope you all are doing well. <3
PS... It's warming up and almost feels like Spring already!
I've been on a bunch of adventures since my last adventure post and... Some amazing things have been happening.
Also, been cooking a lot and making vegan cheese and I made some of the most delicious vegan cheese! There's a lot else to report, but... Maybe another time. Peace and love! <3