A Love Letter From The Universe

Today is the one year anniversary of when I made the first big discovery which led to all these other amazing adventures I've been on since then.
There was a wild synchronicity on that day and without going into too much detail right now I essentially found something on the way home from that adventure which was also placed there on Valentine's Day 12 years prior to that on 2012...
It felt and still feels kinda like it was a love letter from the Universe. <3 :)
And... The mystery and adventure continues and goes deep! I've been on around 67 adventures that I have filmed and found at least one interesting thing on each excursion during that time.
Even though I've lived here my whole life... ON this quest I've been all around Sedona to so many epic and beautiful places that I've never been to or even seen before or knew existed and I have so many more places to check out in the future that there is no end in sight.
I am working with my family, mostly my parents and we are going to make a YouTube series together about it all and at least one movie, maybe a few.
This adventure has changed my life, helped me heal my OCD, helped me become even more grateful and happy and overcome other fears and mature and grow and...
It truly has been so special and meaningful to me to not only have this opportunity and to have this happen at all period, but especially to have it happen shortly after I started to learn how to genuinely love myself more.
It feels like that love is connected somehow... Anyhow... I look forward to sharing more details about the adventures soon.
We're probably around a couple of months away from the YouTube release, it might end up being a lil longer than that, though... We're getting close!
Tons of love always and bye until next time. <3