Greetings friends.
Is winter coming? No, winter is not just coming, it has already come to our house.
On November 1, it started snowing in the morning. At first, it seemed like it was just ordinary rain with a little snow, but the further it went, the more and more it snowed.
The day before, I hung up a bird feeder. The first visitors were sparrows. A flock of about 7 birds arrived. I was surprised by this. This is the first time in 10 years that sparrows arrive in a flock to the feeder. The main visitors are always tits. It was very rare for a lone sparrow to arrive. It happened 5 times during the winter and no more.
In the spring, I planned to make a new bird feeder for the new winter season. The summer passed, but I never made it, so I bought this feeder on the marketplace. She looked better in the picture. It turned out that it needs to be improved.