A couple of weeks ago we launched Apis Hive and I'm very happy to see the response we've received so far. If you missed our introduction post, you can read it here.
User breakdown
To date we have 134 users that have logged onto our website
@apis-hive have 73 followers, and we have 67 users on our Discord server. Not bad for a two week young new project. Thanks everyone for your support.
Out of the 134 users on
https://apishive.blog/ 17 are part of the core team, or seasoned users from different communities that I have invited to help spread some love and encouragement around. Thanks everyone in advance for your help.
Unfortunately 27 users are excluded from the program due to their account not meeting the criteria. Most are delegating out more than 30%, a few are powering down, self voting, have no stake, or are inactive. If you find you can no longer claim any Bee drops that is why. Thanks for your interest. If you are still interested to take part in the Apis Hive program, please check our program criteria
here. We'd love to have you back if you're account fits the criteria.
Another 27 users have logged on but have not claimed any Bee drops or have only 1. I assume they are here out of curiosity and that's fine, it's good for more people to see what we're doing.
That leaves 42 active users on the program. All these users can claim the Daily Bee drops and upgrade to the next class of asset. Most of them can also claim Honey Pots ie delegations, but there are more stringent criteria required for that. If you find you can't claim Honey Pots it most likely means your KE is above 1.8. Once it drops below that, you'll be able to claim your Honey Pot. I can't wait to see who is the first person eligible to claim a Honey Pot. It will be a small one, but a big step for Apis Hive. There are a couple of users who have enough assets to do that.
Tomorrow is 1 March, that means HPUD. I hope some people will take part in that. In case you didn't know, for every 10HP you power up you get 1 Apis Bee (it doesn't have to be on HPUD). When you get 4 Apis Bee, you can upgrade them to a Hive Hub which you can use to claim a Honey Pot. Or you can gift your Hive Hub to someone else to claim the Honey Pot.
Active user list
Gifting and supporting others is a lovely virtue, as is receiving a gift from someone else, knowing that they care about you and want to help you. Here's the list of active users on Apis Hive in case you want to know who you can make a gift to
You can also check out the Apis Hive leaderboard here, it's nice to inject a little competition in life 😉
As a small scale project, I think we've done pretty well in our first two weeks. If you have long term vision to stay on Hive and need some support on the way, please feel free to check out our program.