Apis Hive 1.0 month update

Apis Hive was launched just over a month ago. Going forward we plan to produce updates twice a month on our progress.
If you're new to Apis Hive and want to find out more about this program, please checkout out https://apishive.blog/ and our introduction post.


A total of 159 users have logged onto the Apis Hive website, and on average over 50 users log in every day to claim their Daily Bee drop.
PS - please let us know if you don't want to be tagged in future
Apis in waiting
Some users may not fit one of the program criteria, the main reason are normally KE, delegation and self voting. There are 37 of these accounts. It could be that some of these users are not aware of the program criteria. Or they are not aware that they're on the Apis Hive program, ie they logged in but don't really understand what the program is about. These accounts are still able to claim and upgrade the assets, but are not able to claim any Honey Pots.
Banned users
About one third of users who have logged into the Apis Hive website are excluded from the program due to their accounts not fitting many of the program criteria or exceed the limit by a big margin.

Honey Pots

Since we started, 19 users have claimed 80 Honey Pots between them. In total Apis Hive has delegated 1920 HP to these users.
Three users @bighungrypanda, @bighungrypanda and @bighungrypanda have already claimed the maximum 10 Honey pots and top the leaderboard. Thats's an amazing feat in just a couple of weeks, and we hope many more will follow suit. Here's a snapshot of how some of the remaining Honey Pots are distributed. You can find the full leaderboard here https://apishive.blog/leaderboard

Other updates

  • Last week we added a new Apis in Waiting leaderboard. This lists the top 15 users who can claim and upgrade assets up to the Hive Hub, ie they cannot claim Honey Pots until they meet all the program criteria. Having a separate leaderboard means the main leaderboard can focus on all the verified active users who will always be our primary support group. We hope more users from this leaderboard will moved over to the main one.
  • Every user who achieves their 8th Honey Pot will get 1500 Ecency points gift thanks to @melinda010100. This will allow users to get 200 HP delegation for 7 days giving their account a further boost.


We have talked a lot about the program criteria, and that underlies how we operate. At first glance, it may seem like a lot of requirements, but if you read into it, it is some of the best practices to build your account on Hive in the long run.

We will remind users of the program criteria, but it is entirely up to them on whether they want to make any changes to their account to become verified active users. Since we started, some users have transferred HP into their account, increasing their stake and reducing their KE. Some have pulled back delegations to below the threshold, and others have stopped self voting.
We appreciate users recognising the value of Apis Hive and making changes to their account accordingly, and hope that you can join us if you are looking for more support to build your future on Hive.
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