We've Been Working on Our YouTube Channel - 100 Videos!

Recently I've been working on YouTube videos to share with the world about where we live in Panama.
We recently were invited by friends to check out a local ecolodge called Mount Totumas. We took a few videos around the property while we hiked the trails, at at their restaurant, and just enjoyed the time we had there. We put the videos together to make a longer video about our experience there.
We also spent some time interviewing the owner of the property, Jeffrey Dietrich. It ended up being a great interview and we threw in some other video footage of the time we were there. If you're interested, you can check out the videos below.
The reason we have been working on our YouTube channel is because we want to get out the word about how amazing our part of the world is. We have almost lived here for 8 years and we love it. We love the people, the climate, the views, and much more.
When we were looking at moving here back in 2016, I looked on YouTube for videos about Volcan and there was only one. At the time, it was 10 years old and it was just a video a guy had taken while driving down the main street. It didn't show anything else about the community, the people, places to shop, things to do, or anything else!
Because we own a neighborhood and we hope to have people move to the area and especially to our neighborhood, we want to tell people about this place. It's great and there is so much to see and do here. It's a great place to live.
We aren't a monetized channel. We don't have enough view hours or enough subscribers, but we're working to get more subscribers. If you'd like to subscribe to our channel, we would love that! We would love it if you'd share any of our videos with others, too.
I really enjoy the process of making and editing videos in hopes that they will be seen by all the right people.
What do you guys think of our channel? You can find it here - https://www.youtube.com/@corazondelcielo. We just published our 100th video today!