
One half of STEVE.AND.ANKE - loves making music, the environment, taking pictures and Mia; originally from Hamburg

Joined in 02, 2022
· 27. June 2024

Hello Hivers! Anke here aka Anna-NewKey.Jump to the German versionWell, gigs galore has come to an abrupt stand still, well in some way only. We've been having glorious sunshine these past few days and on Tuesday I took my bike to cycle to work. It was absolutely wonderful and I was in high spirits. However, as I came off one of the bridges in Riverside Park and turned left I must have hit a curb, oh dear! I literally flew all across the path ending up underneath my bike! I tried to get up but couldn't, I was dizzy and failed a lot of pain in my right shoulder. A couple of people offered their help but I tried to get up on my own, which was not easy, and putting my rucksack back on was impossible! I stumbled back hoping that I could make my way back home, but I sat down on the next bench, I couldn't go any further, the pain was too much and I definitely needed A&E! Luckily it was not too busy and I was seen fairly quickly. The nurse, who took the X-ray, mumbled that it was probably broken, when I had hoped for just a sprain or whatever. That was all I needed!! It is indeed broken, but not my shoulder, my humerus right underneath its head and the bone is pushed into the head. I've been a good girl so far but it's been pretty painful all that pulling. Today I spoke to a nurse at the hospital to check that it's okay for me rest my arm on a pillow from time to time because it gets unbearable. She said I can do what I feel is right for me and comfortable, which is nice to know. I'm planning to be back at work on Monday but only in small portions with lots of breaks; this text is dictated into my laptop as I'm figuring out how to best get going again without my right hand in action. I report back on the music too, some things will be impossible for me to do and sets need amending in some way. Having a break now, catch you later.They gave me a sling that keeps the elbow hanging down, gravity is supposed to pull the bone back down.
