Hello friends, how are you, I hope you are doing well, today I have again brought a lovely painting for you, friends this painting was a very easy painting, which I made in two and a half hours, and I had a lot of effort in it. Like, we have difficulty in making the same combination, pay attention to that and there were many other things. First of all, I made a scratch in the middle of a black background. The sketch was black in color, its tail was also in the scratch.

Which was crooked. And there was its face, which seemed very difficult to make.After working hard for a long time, I was able to find a good body shop.

First of all, I made its entire body with black scratches, which seemed very difficult again and again. And after that I didn't stop working on it and kept on working, and within no time my whole expression was ready, from the tail to the turban on his head. There were a few things left like the folds of his jacket, his beard, his moustache and his folded hands. I touched these detailings well and after that it started to look like a painting, the character that I had chosen to create.

And after this I started adding colors to it, my first color was red which matched his shirt perfectly. And I added this color because the character had to look very beautiful. After this I confirmed the tail below it which was blue and dark blue color. And after working hard for a long time.

There was a lot left in this too. Due to which there were two colors on his fingers, so I applied both the colors one by one on it and it was showing the effect of light. From where the light is falling on this figure, after this I made his tail in two colors which was in the middle or showing the effect of light, friends, the effect of light is very important in painting. It tells at which angle this painting is kept.

And after this I confirmed its small details like there were two colors on its face. And there were two-three colors in its ear too. Friends, you have to apply color on it by making big layers. Only then it looks good and looks attractive. So I colored its entire body and used the light effect in between it, which is clearly visible on the fingers, face and shoulder. After which I made a lamp at the bottom of its tail, which is also called Aladdin's lamp.

And in this painting, I have used the same colors which were visible in the painting. And after using that color I felt very good that this color is absolutely correct. And I have also started liking this painting, when it was almost ready, I tried to make the hair better, but still there was some deficiency which I was feeling. Friends, when I showed it to my friends, they said that yes it looks exactly the same. But I could not make it like that. Friends, I am not a great painter, still I try. Friends, this is the magic of our dear community Splinterlands to make such paintings. Which gives me a chance every time to participate in it. So I made the painting in this way, I hope you people will like it and keep giving love to me like this.
Your younger brother Ankur
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Edited with Picsart and Sketchbook..