Splinterlands Art Contest Week 283

Hello friends! How are you all, I hope you all are well and enjoying! Friends, your younger brother Ankur has again brought a small cute painting for you all! Who is a part of the lovely Splendor Land community, this community is very encouraging.

So that we can bring out our art better. Because it also gives a challenge, in the challenge we get a character which has to be created in our own way. I like this community very much. And I like working on it very much. Today I was sitting idle and thinking, which painting should I make so that I can believe in myself that yes, I too can become a good painter. But I try to make the painting very well so that a good figure comes to mind in my empty mind. Which is a character from my beloved Splinterlands community. And I got involved in making it and first of all I took an art scratch and confirmed the outer parts so that I could get a good body. This painting was a bit long with a lot of cuts and lines in between so I worked on it. Happened.

First of all, its head was made which had hair tied at the top. And started scratching the cloth below which was folded on the shoulder, after this there were many lines on its stomach which I made one by one. Both its hands were bent upwards, one hand was single and the other was holding something like a ball of fire. This character was of a girl, I prepared it by using black scratch and after that I completed it by making the lower part.
Now it was time to add some good color to it, so I have used a lot of colors in it. Yellow, orange, pink, red and Katha colors were also used. There were two colors at one place, so I made a combination of both the colors and made it exactly as it looked in the character. I had to add a little more color on top of its color, because here the character had to look a little brighter. And its clothes were colorful, black and Katha colors were mixed by hand which I made well.
Friends, it is a bit difficult to color it. But despite everyone's refusal, I continued working on it. There was also a ball of fire on its right hand. First of all I made a ball shaped circle, after that I added yellow color to it and colored it a little dark yellow. Now it was starting to look a bit like fire. And fire was also wrapped around the fingers of his hand, I also made that using yellow color. The color of the claws of both the hands was the same and its body was visible to some extent, so I made the body cream color so that it would look fair and attractive.
Friends, even after adding a lot of colors, it did not look like the character that I had started. After working harder to create it, I started adding colors to it again. Which was a light story. Because the color of the color was also changing from where Roshni was reading. So I had to work harder on it, only then it was able to be made according to me. After this, I made the shoe a dark color and made a little lighter color in the middle and also used white color. The white color was indicating where the light was reading from, where the light was hitting its body it looked white, so I used white color.
When we see a lot of work in painting. And the scratches have to be prepared very minutely. Attention has to be paid to the smallest lines. And one line has to be understood from another line. And especially when Scratch belongs to our Splinterlands community, we have to create the same character. That this is the work of the community. The character we have got. To make it, we have to become like Him. Our work is completed in our own way. Was hoping. You will like this painting, keep giving us your love like this.
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Edited with Picsart and Sketchbook..
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