Hello friends, how are you all, I hope you are well and enjoying! Friends, this world is very big, there are different types of people who have different minds. Some work on something, some work on something.

Friends, I, your younger brother Ankur, try to show my talent through this splinterlands art contest. I hope you guys will like it and give your love.
Actually, art is a very big thing. Different people show different types of paintings and their art. Because of which we are able to enhance their talent from our perspective. The field of art is very big, and many people have mastered it. And many people try on a small scale. To improve their art well Like, it's cute when it comes to splinterlands art contest. So I become very happy because through this we get to create characters which are different types of characters. In which different types of brains have to be used to create it. And the best thing about this contest is that it is only on painting. In which painting and art and artists get a good opportunity to showcase themselves.
To make this painting, first of all I took a blue colored scratch. After this, I started scratching its entire body, and while scratching, there were many curved lines in it, which I had to draw very carefully. And after continuous efforts,

I was successful in making its scratch, now turn. Was. To further enhance its scratch, I folded it differently and gave it a shape. Now this scratch started looking like a character. The character I was trying to create. This scratch was quite difficult and I had to use different tools to scratch it.

Friends, coloring it was a very difficult task. Because it was a very difficult art. In which there were different types of colors in the same graph, and there was a lot of attention to be paid between the colors. Because the colors were mixing with each other and the detailing between the colors was very important.

Had to confirm from. Because of which a little brain had to be applied in this. And in it, there were long lines coming out on different sides. There were many types of colors in them which had to be colored separately in the same line, the task was a bit difficult, I worked on it without agreeing with everyone and in about Had completed it. When it comes to colors, the mind wanders because the whole game is about colors. Still, I tried to add such color to it that it had its own character.
Friends, first of all I picked a pink color in it and started coloring right in the middle of it. There were two types of colors in the middle,

in which the middle one was black and its outer parts had a purple color. The edges of which were slightly protruding like points, after this there were two colors on both the sides, one of which was pink, and The second color was dark pink and in between there were many more lines like cutting, which I colored with Katha color.

The one that was white in between, I also colored the white with light white at the edges and there was a round of white on top of that too. Which I painted the exact same color and in the outermost parts, it was also round.

Which I painted with the same color, showing where the light was falling. Because it was art that looked exactly like the eye.
And in this way, to some extent, this character started resembling the original painting which I had started making. Now I was happy to see because my hard work was paying off little by little. And I was finding it very difficult to make the combination of colors. But after a lot of hard work, I was able to make this combination of colors,

and this character started looking like him. Friends, painting is my hobby, I work hard on it, but how well I can make it is in your hands. Because no matter how good I make it, I still see shortcomings in the painting. So friends, I hope you guys will like this painting and keep showering your love on it. I am your younger brother Ankur, I will meet you again.
[Image source]
Edited with Picsart and Sketchbook..