
Joined in 11, 2021
· 28. May 2024

Hello, everyone! It's been a while since I've been here, so it's time to get back to you. Yesterday I came from an incredibly picturesque place that fascinates with its nature. And this place is the Shatsk Lakes in Volyn, Ukraine. In general, the trip was purely business-related, as students from my faculty and the Faculty of Arts were holding a scientific conference there at Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European University. It was the second time we were going there, so knowing in advance that it would be incredibly interesting and enjoyable, we were looking forward to this trip for a long time. And here we are at last. The university's practice base, where the delegation of scientists gathered, is located right next to Lake Svityaz, the second largest lake in Ukraine. It is surrounded by forests. All this greatness of nature enveloped the place where we stayed for 3 days. The practice base itself is called ‘Gart’ and it is harmoniously combined with the surrounding landscapes. All the houses on the territory are wooden and have interesting names, such as: ‘Badger's Burrow’, ‘Stork's Nest’, etc. Each house had a large balcony with a beautiful view of the territory of the base. The base itself seems to be divided into two parts by a pond, over which a wooden bridge is also thrown. And what looks very interesting is that there is a gazebo in the middle of the pillar where you can sit and admire nature. I am delighted with the beauty of this area and the practice base itself. The days I spent there were wonderful. I hope that I will be able to go to Svityaz again in the near future. Привіт усім! Давненько мене тут уже не було, а тому час повератися назад. Учора я приїхала з неймовірно мальовничого місця, яке заворожує своєю природою. І це місце - Щацькі озера, що на Волині, Україна. Загалом, поїздка несла чисто робочий характер, адже студенти мого факультету та факультету мистецтв мали там, на базі Східноєвропейського університету імені Лесі Українки, наукову конференцію. Це вже вдруге ми туди їдемо, а тому, заздалегідь знаючи, що там буде неймовірно цікаво та приємно, ми довго чекали цю поїздку. І от нарешті. База практики університету, де зібралась делегації науковців знаходиться прямо біля озера Світязь, другого найбільшого озера України. Навколо нього розсте
