DANGEROUS 馃敟 | Michael Jackson | By AMJ Dancer, imitador de Michael Jackson [ENG SUB]

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Hola amigos de Hive y comunidad Bee On The Stage, espero se encuentren muy bien.

Hello friends of Hive and Bee On The Stage community, I hope you are doing well.

Hoy les traigo ya la 煤ltima parte del 煤ltimo show que les he venido mostrando 煤ltimamente, en Jeric贸, un hermoso pueblo ac谩 en el departamento de Antioquia, Colombia. Si no han visto la primera, segunda y tercera parte de este show, los invito a verlas, por ac谩 abajo les dejo los enlaces:

El motivo de este show fue la celebraci贸n del 75 aniversario de un colegio, llamado Escuela Normal Superior de Jeric贸. En la cual se realiz贸 un concierto donde se presentaron diferentes artistas, incluyendo mi persona.

Hoy finalmente les traigo el tema Dangerous, que fue la quinta y 煤ltima canci贸n de este show. Espero les guste amigos.
Today I bring you the last part of the last show that I have been showing you lately, in Jeric贸, a beautiful town here in the department of Antioquia, Colombia. If you haven't seen the first, second and third part of this show, I invite you to watch them, here are the links below:

The reason for this show was the celebration of the 75th anniversary of a school, called Escuela Normal Superior de Jeric贸. In which a concert was held where different artists were presented, including myself.

Today I finally bring you the song Dangerous, which was the fifth and last song of this show. I hope you like it friends.

Con mucho cari帽o, AMJ Dancer. 馃憫

With much love, AMJ Dancer. 馃憫


Youtube 馃憠 [AMJ Dancer](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7FiKmeY-tJCFUZJYNHz7wA)

Instagram 馃憠 [amjdancer](https://www.instagram.com/amjdancer/)

TikTok 馃憠 [amj.dancer](https://www.tiktok.com/@amj.dancer?_t=8dpBZkQPd0I&_r=1)

Facebook 馃憠 [AMJ Dancer](https://www.facebook.com/amjperformer)

**Video editado a trav茅s de *[VN](https://www.vlognow.me/)*** >***Video edited through [VN](https://www.vlognow.me/)***

**Im谩genes editadas a trav茅s de *[Canva](https://www.canva.com/)***
Images edited using Canva


[Michael Jackson | Dangerous | 1995 Studio Version](https://youtu.be/RnVSHq0typY?si=C6rmYRf_fyX9o-bv)

Translated with www.DeepL.com

鈻讹笍 3Speak
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