Hello Everyone! So today morning has just be absolutely wonderful. Woke up early, with plans to visit the Botanical Garden for a long long walk.
The Sun and The clouds were playing hide and seek in the morning and I was skeptical as to what they both had hidden intentions for me...would it rain, would it not ! I was not sure !
The clouds were gradually building up more and more and I was pretty sure..it may rain...but still there were doubts !
Moments later the sun was shining bright ! and the clouds were also showing their strength ! Leaving me in a dilemma....

But I continued, with my dedication to have a really long walk in such a calm and serene and beautiful atmosphere ! It was such a pleasing day ! Indeed !
Moments, later the clouds just vanished with the high speed and there was just bright sunshine...It was absolutely interesting to walk in the woods, where my heart belongs ! 100%... just love being here...on my own ! Me and the Nature ! Lovely !!!
Sat for a while under the tall trees, appreciating and thanking them for providing the beautiful shades for the humans to protect from scorching heat !
We should all make an effort to protect our woods !... and focus on afforestation! Its MUST !!!

I continued walking under the shades and exercised for a while and sat for sometime under the sheer beauty of these greens !!!
Saw a crow sitting on a branch, under the dark green leaves, sitting like hidden in the branches of this dense tree !
One of the huge trees in the #Botanical #Garden with visible roots, seems to be very old...! Its pretty evident from its structure !!!
There is this huge tree with Royal poinciana #flowers that look so beautiful, but its being captured from an angle that I was not able to capture its frontview... !!!
Also known as Delonix regia flower, I had to twist and hold the flower to capture its front image. Looks so wonderful and I am truly delighted to hold such a magnificent flower in my hands ! Felt the velvety touch of such a beautiful flower !!! Mother #Nature is absolutely amazing !!!
This post is for #wednesdaywalk initiated by
@tattoodjayThis post is for #makemesmile initiated by