Raising broilers can be a rewarding and profitable activity, especially for those who are new to the world of poultry farming, however, it is important to have the basic knowledge to ensure the success of production. The first thing you should consider are the facilities where you will raise your chickens, you will need an enclosed and safe space, which protects them from inclement weather and predators.
The shed or pen should be wide enough for the chickens to move freely, but it should not be too big either, as this will make it difficult to control the temperature. It is important that the floor is made of cement or solid earth, and that it has a good drainage system to prevent the accumulation of moisture, it is also necessary that the shed has good ventilation to renew the air and avoid the concentration of harmful gases.
In addition to the physical space, you will need some basic elements for broiler breeding, light bulbs that are used to maintain the right temperature during the first weeks of life of the chicks. drinkers and feeders that should be proportional to the number of chickens and should be designed to avoid wasting food and water, beds that is the material that is used to cover the floor of the shed, such as wood shavings, rice husk or straw.
The choice of chicks is a key factor for the success of the production, it is recommended that they have been vaccinated and that they come from a reliable supplier, the ideal age to acquire the chicks according to certain specialists is from one day to fifteen of hatched, since, they are easier to handle and adapt better to the new environment. as for feeding is another fundamental factor for the growth and development of broilers, it is recommended to use a balanced feed specially formulated for this stage, which contains all the nutrients they need to grow strong and healthy. It is important to provide the feed in the right amount and at the right time, chickens should have access to feed and fresh water 24 hours a day.
In the same vein, the management of broiler chickens is a task that requires dedication and care, it is important to check the condition of the chickens daily, to detect any signs of illness or problem, it is also necessary to keep the shed clean and disinfected, to prevent the spread of diseases, it is recommended for those who have it in sheds to change the bed regularly and remove dead or sick chickens.
Disease prevention is essential to ensure the success of production, it is recommended to vaccinate chickens against the most common diseases, such as Newcastle disease and avian pox, it is also important to maintain a good hygiene and biosecurity program, to avoid the entry of pathogens into the shed, once they have elapsed between 6 and 8 weeks of age and have the desired weight the chickens can be slaughtered to be marketed.
Dear readers, training is important before starting broiler breeding, it is advisable to take a course or training on poultry management, it is also important to have the advice of a professional specialized in poultry, who can provide support and recommendations throughout the breeding process, it is also essential to keep detailed records of production, such as feed consumption, chicken weight, mortality, among other aspects that will allow evaluating performance and making informed decisions.
Thank you for reading our articles, until a next publication.
- Solla S.A. (2015). Manual of handling for broiler chicken. Poultry Excellence.
- Photography and images: All photographs are the property of the author @amestyj.
- Agrotecnia banner: made by the author @amestyj with own images
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