2025: straight and narrow way

New year and I visited a friend whom I haven't met for long. She got married and found her place in Maasin, a Brgy next to our place where its on the way to the town.
I always pass by to this area but never knew exactly where her house is. We pm that day before the new year and I asked her if ever we can catch up. She said she is available January first morning.
She gave me directions on how to locate her. She said when I can see the Talisay tree near the Elementary school thats where it is. The back of the school. As I imagined it, the back of the school is all rice fields but I answered okay. I would trust my guts. I could never be lost.
I went to the ticketing office before that because I had a little concerned about the details of my ticket. Its a reverse way. I had it corrected before its too late. I am sure the boats are fully booked this time especially going back to the city.
The road on New Years day is very calm. There not much vehicles. I arrived at what she said the tree. I looked around and I was right there is no house at the back of the school. It is way way at the back. 😂 Next to the rice fields. Under those trees on the horizon.
I got off from the motorcycle and walk down that straight rice field pathway that is cemented all the way to the end. On the way, there are lots of Maya birds flying when I disturbed there foraging.
At the end of that pathway there I found their red motorcycle. I guess the house where it ends is theirs. I called several times and the dogs barked at me. I stayed calm, I didn't move. They just came to me and sniffed. They walk passed me and I sighed with relief. I called once more and the owner of the house got out I asked where my friends house is and she pointed it to me. It was the next one. Turned out that woman is their Auntie.
I called her and hoped there was someone in the house. I was grinning when I saw her, calling me back laughing.
Thats how I found where she lives now. We had fun chatting, ruther, I was so happy I did go there. Catching up so many years we never see each other.
To my dearest friend, thank you for opening 🙏 your house to me and the manicure 💅 that you did. Brought smiles to me while on the boat ⛵ sailing away.
That is for today. Good night, cause tomorrow is work mood day. God bless.