Hello friends and book lovers! I hope you're all doing well. đ
It's been a few months now since I've posted anything in this community, and I'm really sad about it. đ
Actually, I can't find the time to read anymore. I started reading again towards the end of January, with "The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle," and I only just finished it a few days ago. So, I'm back to give you a little review. đ
And I can already tell you, this book isn't a favorite... đ
I love detective novels, short thrillers with a well-crafted plot and a touch of psychological manipulation, but this one didn't convince me.
However, when I received this book as a gift for Christmas, I was really eager to read it and discover the story! The synopsis really made me want to read it. It's a novel that blends thriller, mystery, and a touch of science fiction, somewhat reminiscent of Agatha Christie's style.
Anyway, here's my short review anyway, because maybe you'll enjoy this book!
The story takes place in an early 20th-century English manor, Blackheath, where a grand celebration is being planned. The Hardcastle family, composed of the two parents and two children, Michael and Evelyn Hardcastle, welcome all their friends into their large home.
However, during the evening, at 11 p.m., Evelyn Hardcastle is murdered.
And that's where our main character, Aiden Bishop, comes in. He's stuck in a time loop and has only one goal: to find out who murdered Evelyn Hardcastle so he can escape the loop and return to his life.
But there's one twist... Every day, he wakes up in the body of a different guest at the mansion, with a different perspective and abilities.
He has eight days to discover who Evelyn's murderer is. If he fails to solve the murder, everything starts over from the beginning, and his memory will be erased.
Aiden Bishop will face many obstacles; he will have to discover who he is and live with his eight guests. He will meet people, some of whom will be reassuring and others disconcerting. But most of them will help him advance his investigation.
My Opinion
To be honest with you, I almost gave up reading halfway through. đŹ
The concept of the story is very original, but perhaps a little too complex. There are many details, many different characters, a mix of days and time periods throughout the book. And at times, I felt a little lost.
Usually, I really enjoy conducting my own investigation, making assumptions, etc. But in this novel, I had neither the time nor the resources to try to find the murderer on my own.
The investigation was well conducted, but some information was missing.
Furthermore, I was a little disappointed by the ending. I was expecting something more compelling and perhaps a little clearer⊠For me, the explanations aren't detailed enough, and I didn't like the twist in Anna's character.
However, I liked the relationship between Aiden and Anna⊠at least at first. I enjoyed seeing them evolve, then⊠I ended up hating them. đ
However, I rather liked the time loop concept where the character relives the same scene over and over again, but through the eyes of another character.
In fact, I really liked some of the hosts, like Ravencourt or the police officer (whose name I forget). We were able to discover different personalities with different abilities; it was very interesting.
I enjoyed experiencing Aiden's mental and physical struggle to separate himself, his thoughts and abilities, from those of his various hosts.
But unfortunately, I didn't manage to get into the world of the book. I think that's why it took me so long to read it.
My Rating
âïžâïž / 5
Unfortunately, it'll be a low 2 stars out of 5 for me...
I really would have liked to like this book, but it just didn't resonate with me. The basic idea is great, but the execution didn't convince me. I found it too confusing, too long, and too frustrating for me to fully enjoy it.
I don't know if it's the author's world that I didn't enjoy, or simply the plot of this particular novel.
That said, this was my first book by Stuart Turton, so I might have to try another one of his novels to see if I like it better. What do you recommend? đ€
Are you familiar with this author? Have you read one of his novels before?
Have you ever disliked one of your books? Did you persevere and finish it, or did you give up?
I admit I've never given up on a book halfway through; I'm afraid of getting even more frustrated. đ
Anyway, now I'm off to find a new book to read! Do you have any recommendations for novels that aren't too long (regardless of genre)? đ
See you soon,
PS: I used Google Translate to translate the English section.
*Version en français*

Hello les amis et les booklovers ! JâespĂšre que vous allez tous trĂšs bien. đ
Cela fait maintenant quelques mois que je nâai rien publiĂ© dans cette communautĂ© et jâen suis vraiment peinĂ©e. đ
En rĂ©alitĂ©, je ne trouve plus le temps de lire. Jâai repris la lecture vers la fin du mois de janvier, avec le livre âLes sept morts dâEvelyn Hardcastleâ et je viens Ă peine de le terminer il y a quelques jours. Je reviens donc pour vous faire une petite review. đ
Et je peux dĂ©jĂ vous lâavouer, ce livre nâest pas un coup de cĆur⊠đ
Jâadore les romans policiers, les petits thrillers avec une intrigue bien ficelĂ©e et un petit cĂŽtĂ© manipulation psychologique, mais lĂ , je nâai pas Ă©tĂ© convaincu.
Pourtant, lorsquâĂ NoĂ«l, jâai reçu ce livre en cadeau, jâĂ©tais vraiment impatiente de le lire et de dĂ©couvrir lâhistoire ! Le rĂ©sumĂ© me donnait vraiment envie. Câest un roman qui mĂ©lange thriller, mystĂšre et une touche de science-fiction et qui se rapproche un peu du style dâAgatha Christie.
Bref, voici ma petite review quand mĂȘme, car peut-ĂȘtre que ce livre pourra vous plaire !
L'histoire se dĂ©roule dans un manoir anglais du dĂ©but du XXe siĂšcle, Blackheath, oĂč une grande fĂȘte se prĂ©pare. La famille Hardcastle composĂ©e des deux parents et des deux enfants, Michael et Evelyn Hardcastle accueillent tous leurs amis dans leur grande demeure.
Cependant, au cours de la soirĂ©e, Ă 23h, Evelyn Hardcastle va ĂȘtre assassinĂ©e.
Et câest lĂ quâintervient notre personnage principal, Aiden Bishop. En effet, il est coincĂ© dans une boucle temporelle et il nâa quâun seul objectif : dĂ©couvrir qui a assassinĂ© Evelyn Hardcastle pour pouvoir sortir de la boucle et retourner Ă sa vie.
Mais il y a une particularité⊠Chaque jour, il se rĂ©veille dans le corps dâun invitĂ© diffĂ©rent du manoir, avec un point de vue et des capacitĂ©s diffĂ©rentes.
Il a huit jours pour dĂ©couvrir qui est lâassassin dâEvelyn. S'il ne parvient pas Ă rĂ©soudre le meurtre, tout recommence depuis le dĂ©but, et sa mĂ©moire sera effacĂ©e.
Aiden Bishop sera confrontĂ© Ă de nombreux obstacles, il va devoir dĂ©couvrir qui il est, et cohabiter avec ses huit hĂŽtes. Il va faire des rencontres, certaines seront rassurantes et dâautres seront dĂ©concertantes. Mais la plupart dâentre elles vont lâaider Ă avancer dans son enquĂȘte.
Mon avis
Pour ĂȘtre honnĂȘte avec vous, jâai failli abandonner la lecture en cours de route. đŹ
Le concept de lâhistoire est trĂšs original, mais peut-ĂȘtre un peu trop complexe. Il y a beaucoup de dĂ©tails, beaucoup de personnages diffĂ©rents, un mĂ©lange de jours et de temporalitĂ© au fil de la lecture. Et parfois, je me suis sentie un peu perdue.
Dâhabitude, jâaime beaucoup mener ma propre enquĂȘte, faire des suppositions, etc. Mais dans ce roman, je nâai eu ni le temps, ni les Ă©lĂ©ments pour tenter de trouver lâassassin par moi-mĂȘme.
LâenquĂȘte Ă©tait bien menĂ©e, mais il manquait certaines informations.
De plus, jâai Ă©tĂ© un peu déçu par la fin. Je mâattendais Ă quelque chose de plus marquant et peut-ĂȘtre dâun peu plus clair⊠Pour moi, les explications ne sont pas assez dĂ©taillĂ©es, et je nâai pas aimĂ© la tournure du personnage dâAnna.
Pourtant, jâai aimĂ© la relation entre Aiden et Anna⊠du moins au dĂ©but. Jâai aimĂ© les voir Ă©voluer, puis⊠jâai fini par les dĂ©tester. đ
Cependant, jâai plutĂŽt bien aimĂ© le principe de boucle temporelle oĂč le personnage revit sans cesse la mĂȘme scĂšne, mais Ă travers les yeux dâun autre personnage.
Dâailleurs, certains hĂŽtes mâont beaucoup plu, comme Ravencourt ou encore le policier (dont jâai oubliĂ© le nom). On a pu dĂ©couvrir diffĂ©rentes personnalitĂ©s avec des capacitĂ©s diffĂ©rentes, câĂ©tait trĂšs intĂ©ressant.
Jâai aimĂ© vivre la lutte mentale et physique dâAiden pour sĂ©parer son propre lui, ses pensĂ©es et ses capacitĂ©s, de celles de ses diffĂ©rents hĂŽtes.
Mais malheureusement, je nâai pas rĂ©ussi Ă entrer dans lâunivers du livre. Je pense dâailleurs que câest pour cela que jâai mis autant de temps Ă le lire.
Ma note
âïžâïž / 5
Malheureusement, ça sera un petit 2 Ă©toiles sur 5 pour moiâŠ
Jâaurais vraiment aimĂ© aimer ce livre, mais ça nâa pas pris avec moi. LâidĂ©e de base est gĂ©niale, mais lâexĂ©cution ne mâa pas convaincue. Jâai trouvĂ© cela trop confus, trop long, trop frustrant pour que je puisse pleinement apprĂ©cier ma lecture.
Je ne sais pas si câest lâunivers de lâauteur que je nâai pas apprĂ©ciĂ©, ou simplement lâintrigue de ce roman en particulier.
Cela dit, câĂ©tait mon premier livre de Stuart Turton, donc je devrai peut-ĂȘtre tenter de lire un autre de ses romans pour voir si jâaccroche davantage. Que me conseillez-vous ?đ€
Est-ce que vous connaissez cet auteur ? Avez-vous déjà lu un de ses romans ?
Est-ce que cela vous est dĂ©jĂ arrivĂ© de ne pas aimer une de vos lectures ? Avez-vous persĂ©vĂ©rĂ© et terminĂ© votre lecture ou lâavez vous abandonnĂ© ?
Jâavoue que je nâai jamais abandonnĂ© un livre en plein milieu, jâai peur dâĂȘtre encore plus frustrĂ©. đ
Bref, maintenant je vais chercher un nouveau livre Ă lire ! Avez-vous des recommandations de romans pas trop longs (peu importe le genre) ? đ
Ă bientĂŽt,
PS : Jâai utilisĂ© Google Traduction pour traduire la partie en anglais.