This Top Hat Report summarizes the crowdfunding numbers for Comicsgate comic books for the period form March 1, 2025 through March 8, 2025. The Tophat Report is hosted on a social media application built on the Hive Blockchain. Ecency is also available as a mobile application. Ecency is perhaps one of the friendliest pathways to begin using Hive.

A total of 18 campaigns were tracked in this report. Campaigns included were from Ethan Van Sciver, and other comic creators that regularly join Van Sciver on his YouTube channel or identify as Comicsgate.
During the period from March 1 to March 8, Comicsgate campaigns raised a total of $7,865, and the most funded project was Van Sciver's "Cyberfrog: Red Extermination".
Year to date Comicsgate projects have raised $330,572. The most funded project in 2025 is Billy Tucci's "Shi: Gate Crashed Kickstarter Exclusive"; which has raised $103,190. The least funded book is Van Sciver's "Reignbow the Brute" at -$577, likely from refunds or chargebacks.
Closed campaigns are indicated with a light grey backfill on the figure below.