Milestone: 100 Days Without Smoking a Cigarette

I hit a personal milestone today. I've now been 100-days without smoking. This is the longest I've gone as an adult without smoking, vaping, or using some form of tobacco.
I believe I've kicked the habit for good, but I'll feel even better when I've got more miles in the rearview mirror between me and the last cigarette.
Healthwise I don't have any cough of any congestion, I've picked up my physical activity some, as the weather has warmed up a bit and I'm getting the garden ready, for when I can plant.
This week in fact, I've got to get a space ready for Hives, bee hives that is. We are going to host some bees and if it works well we may take up beekeeping next year. I will probably seed more clover for the bees, it would be amazing to have our own honey.
Along with my lungs clearing up I've been getting in some longer hikes and walks. I don't think I'll take running back up at 52, but it has been good to build the wind back up. My energy is definitely higher, and my sustained focus is somewhat improved.
I have noticed in the absence of smoking, my palette has changed slightly spicy foods are a bit spicier. I'm sure I'll pick up other changes over the next year or so.
This post is probably a bit of self-congratulatory back pat, but I feel proud of myself making it to the 100-day mark!
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