Philosopher´s stones : The allegory of the cave (Plato)
What is real, what an illusion?? Do we all live in the MATRIX
Imagine you and all your fellows lived in a cave, tied to a rope so you can only look towards the wall. Behind you there is a fire, between you and the fire there are people carrying objects, puppets and so on. Your reality is what you see on the wall. The shadows. In Platons allegory, one of the prisoners breaks free, fights his way towards the like (entry of the cave - true knowledge). The ascent his hard, his legs are used not to move a lot, his eyes not to see (truth hurts ^^) . He makes his way into freedom and SEES THE WORLD IN ITS FULL BEAUTY as it is. He realises, that the life he lived has been a lie, an illusion, unreal.
Now you surely want to awake your fellows too. You go back into the cave, but nobody belives you. They are used to the ropes, they prefer their prisons of mind to the real world. To tie yourself again and live their fake plastic live is no option for you as you are awake now. You try to convince them to break their ties,but no, they dont want to. And then, they kill you ^^
Platon ends with the sentence : "They are similar to us"
TBC[Philosopher´s stones : The allegory of the cave (Plato)