Vibes Web3 Music Competition Week 31 / Se dice Fácil (cover)

Hola amigos, espero todos esten bien. Finalmente comienza una nueva semana despues de una larga espera, como siempre intento traerles canciones que considero son hermosas y asi ayudar a que descubran un poco mas de buena musica. Esta semana les traigo una cancion que conoci por un amigo hace unos dias, Se dice Facil de Angelica Gallegos, una cantante mexicana con una voz preciosa. Angelica segun cuenta, compuso esta cancion junto a su esposo al escuchar la historia de su mejor amiga, la cual se iba a divorciar tras descubrir la infidelidad de su marido, pero a pesar de todo le era muy dificil de aceptar. Cuantas veces no nos hemos sentido asi? Cuantas veces no hemos luchado por olvidar a una persona a pesar de que sabemos que no son buenos para nosotros? Esta cancion habla de eso, de la dificultad de explicarle al corazón la realidad del amor, que a veces, casi siempre no se es correspondido y acabamos hechos pedazos. Espero les guste y haya logrado transmitir la emocion que me da interpretar esta cancion. Un abrazo grande para todos.
La cancion original por si quieren escucharla:
Mi versión:
Hello friends, I hope everyone is well. Finally a new week begins after a long wait, as always I try to bring you songs that I consider beautiful and thus help you discover a little more good music. This week I bring you a song that I met through a friend a few days ago, Se dice Facil by Angelica Gallegos, a Mexican singer with a beautiful voice. According to her story, Angelica composed this song with her husband when she heard the story of her best friend, who was going to divorce after discovering her husband’s infidelity, but despite everything it was very difficult for her to accept. How many times have we not felt like this? How many times have we not fought to forget a person even though we know they are not good for us? This song talks about that, about the difficulty of explaining to the heart the reality of love, which sometimes is almost always not reciprocated and we end up in pieces. I hope you like it and I have managed to convey the excitement that interpreting this song gives me. A big hug for everyone.