My content is good and I post frequently. I think I deserve more attention from the whales in this ecosystem![tag all whales] (at) Blocktrades, (at)TheyCallmeDan, (at)Rancho, (at)Traf, and so on.Have you ever had these thoughts? Have you ever written to a large stakeholder asking for votes? Have you witnessed someone rage quit because "the only people who make any money on HIVE are the VIP club of already rich whales and there's nothing you can do about it"? Well, I'm sorry to say but that's not the way it works. might think you deserve attention because you've put in a huge amount of effort into your 2000 word post, but those around you might not find your content valuable, interesting or entertaining. The same goes for if you're a musician, comedian, designer, restaurant owner... and a long etcetera.