Los 30馃巶 de Yusle 馃巵 - - - Yusle's 30馃巶

**Feliz Cumplea帽os 馃巶 馃巵 Happy Birthday**
隆Hola amigos! 馃挏. La t铆a paterna de mi hijo subi贸 al 3er escal贸n de vida si, sus 30 a帽os. Fuimos a su trabajo a llevarse un detalle por su cumplea帽os, compartir con ella su dia tan especial.
Hello friends! 馃挏
My son's paternal aunt has reached the third step of life, yes, her 30th birthday.
We went to her work to get her a little something for her birthday, to share her special day with her.
Llegue, estaban sus compa帽eros de trabajos del spa de u帽as y nos tomamos una selfie.
I arrived, her coworkers from the nail spa were there and we took a selfie.
Brindamos por su salud, su felicidad y por la ducha de cumplir un a帽o mas de vida. Que todos sus deseos de coraz贸n se le cumplan de la mano y bendici贸n de DIOS.
We toast to your health, your happiness, and the shower of another year of life. May all your heartfelt wishes be fulfilled through the hand and blessing of God.
Mi ni帽o le entrego el rage que el mismo realizo, con flores de papel y un peluche que hab铆a ganado en una maquina de peluches, con unos bombones lo armo en una caja de reciclaje en forma de coraz贸n 馃挐 que tenia, le quedo hermoso, admire mucho el detalle y la imaginaci贸n que tuvo para hacerle este detalle a su t铆a, tambi茅n le entregue su regalo, fue un momento feliz.
My son gave her the rage that he made himself, with paper flowers and a stuffed animal that he had won at a stuffed animal vending machine, with some chocolates he put it together in a heart-shaped recycling box 馃挐 that he had, it turned out beautiful, I really admired the detail and imagination he had to make this detail for his aunt, I also gave him his gift, it was a happy moment.
Tambi茅n le lleve un delicioso huesillo para compartir, el pastel tenia un mensaje muy sutil jejeje, todo estaba muy deliciosos amigos.
I also brought him a delicious little bone to share, the cake had a very subtle message hehe, everything was very delicious friends.
Ella recibi贸 regalos de su hijo, su esposo, cantamos cumplea帽os la pasamos muy buen todos.
She received gifts from her son and husband, we sang happy birthday and everyone had a great time.

Todas las fotograf铆as fueron tomadas con mi iPhone 11.
Saludos amigos gracias por acompa帽arnos en esta celebraci贸n.
All the photos were taken with my iPhone 11.
Greetings friends, thank you for joining us in this celebration.