gerilyawan buku lawas, penulis amatir
Aceh, Indonesia
I found these round molds during the rainy season last December. I was combing my friend's garden at that time and found a cluster of molds growing on a rotten log, which, of course, caught my attention and prompted me to capture them.
By now, I often encounter jumping spiders of various species during my walks in nature. Although it was not easy to photograph jumping spiders—especially those that are too small—with a good focal point, I still felt challenged to capture them.
During an afternoon walk around the mouth of the Cunda River, I noticed two hermit crabs with strange shells. No matter how heavy the shells were, they seemed happy with what they had. One was strong enough to carry a huge load, dragging its shell around everywhere, and so was the other.
I love blue butterflies, or the family Lycaenidae. They are beautiful little butterflies with diverse appearances, with an estimated 6000 species distributed worldwide.Here I will share three types of lycaenids in Sumatra. These photos were taken using my cellphone camera in separate spots. I found the appropriate scientific names for each based on searches obtained on Wikipedia. Let's see!
This morning I noticed something flashing on the bushes in my yard... and I was tempted to find out what it was. As I approached, I saw nothing there. I became more curious until I decided not to move for a while. My eyes did not move in other directions, and I waited patiently while whistling.
I feel like finding something that has long been lost. Remembering first when I was a child, I always encountered a jewel beetle (Buprestidae sp.) in my hometown, Pidie Jaya. So when I found this beetle in the shrub some days ago, my childhood memories suddenly reappeared in my mind.