So, recently an account by the name of shaggroed created an account, leased RC, leased some servers from privex and decided to spam 300,000 market order transactions in the span of 35 minutes.
By doing this the amount of time to process a block went from under three seconds to over a minute each and the witnesses quickly fell behind on blocks.
His spam stopped, we caught up, and we also added transaction limits. Now an account can only do 20 transactions per block.
We're working on adding other arbitrary limits to the platform to stop malicious spam and malfunctioning bots.
So, the good news is that internal transactions are working on and Market orders can be placed and executed. Diesel pool swaps are functioning.
I don't know the status of all the withdrawal and deposit routes just yet. So, I'm still looking into that.
For now the platform is generally working, but you're highly encouraged to test any transaction with a small transaction before yoloing your tokens.
While we hope to continue to have smooth operations it seems the shaggroed account has created a second account called shaggythesecond, is leasing RC, and appears like they want to go for a second round of spam. We'll see how we hold up and make additional adjustments as necessary. I sent him an onchain message encouraging him to talk to me. We'll see what happens. My guess from his name is that he thinks he's personally hurting me, but in reality he's hurting all the users of the platform. Any efforts to find him are appreciated.
Thanks for your patience. We're trying to get fully functional again in the face of a malicious bad actor. Happy trading. And do small tests before you ape. Trade responsibly. Double check the bridges in particular before doing any large transactions. Thanks trading on hive-engine and thanks for supporting this team.