I don't know why I take everything so terribly, yes, I mean, if I'm going to get involved in something, I give myself fully and with a step very close to what seems like passion and perfection, and that's not always good, because I demand too much of myself, and sometimes damn: you shouldn't exaggerate.
What I never exaggerate with is the music that drives my steps along the path, do you want to listen?
https://youtu.be/ZDZqO4Y4mYE?si=zTNYwxhvrmEWkQdO...😅... but I swear that my energy multiplies to start the day... and that, my friend, is greatly needed.
Life is so short...that at some point we need a cane again.But what am I talking about?
¡Oh yes!, it was finally Friday and the weekend arrived, remembering "someone" who is always very happy, celebrating early that her finished with work obligations and that all weekend he will have incredible plans for him and his wife... I think that today I very much agree with him, because these days have been ridiculously exhausting after having prepared a report saturated with pure numbers (hectares, yields, samples and some crops) for my new boss, and I think that for him, it only sounded like a infamous Egyptian hieroglyph that represented a horrible bald ibis and some strange African jabirus, things that I don't even know what thoses mean.
Does your cell phone stop your life?It turns out that I crashed all week against a balance sheet that involved services offered to more than 30 companies, so that the man after receiving it looked at me with a traitor or crazy face asking me: What the hell is this all about!?.. and although I tried to forgive him for his technical ignorance, I ended up giving him an educational sermon plus the appropriate psychological support so that he would present himself in a decent manner before a vice minister,and I asked him for the best of his acting attitudes (in the manner of the magnificent Marlon Brandon in his role as The Godfather) so that he would not be intimidated, but I think the poor man did not understand the idea very well...and what frustration! i must be a terrible personal advisor.
Some go alone to their schools... too quickly.But after all,
https://youtu.be/uRI_PeSyTJI?si=R0Ig2jNr4f6F80W6..., just to relax, because after all my part was well done... I even felt satisfied with the result, one of those that only makes you wonder:Did you do all this alone? And although the aforementioned did not understand anything, I got the most pleasant part...excuse me!, but at that moment I felt deeply selfish and idolizing myself, because in the country of the blind the one-eyed is king...🙃...
We need to get there early...somewhere.So, despite everything vague and nothing extraordinary scene with my boss I feel fulfilled, because finally one of my best plans for this year will begin to bear fruit starting this month... and I'm happy, because my people will be able to make ends meet with less weight on their backs and with more confidence to prosper in life...long live the music and long live the work, especially when you can start making a living from it.
Do you know how it feels?
Like when a wave breaks in its vortex and swirls dynamically over its center, non-stop and endlessly drawing a kinetic and turbulent pattern that shows you the shapes of the water of unparalleled beauty that only if you dive deep into the sea will you be able to observe the endless circle...there are moments that will never be visible to everyone, only the most daring and adventurous will be able to have the pleasure of observing...
"Love is so short and oblivion is so long"So, I am satisfied with enjoy my weekend, and although there will be some inconveniences, it will be warm, relaxed and obviously happy and in the mood to take a pleasant walk through "for my small town" of those that you know I like so much... I will be looking for a few more things for my kitchen, some pretty glass glasses, and some candy dishes of those that are used to entertain friends who dare to try my weekend experiments...😌...especially accompanied by good music so that it is not as so that my passion for the things I do is more relaxed than tremendous.
Even after tying them so tightly they come untied, that's how it happens with many things in life, they let you go without warning.I hope you like the musical selections that I brought you on this occasion, and if not, well, for me they were very good and inspiring.
###### Always very grateful for your reading.
The text is entirely my own
All photos are my property
Translation done with Deep Translate, free versión