My Actifit Report Card: July 20 2020

I had a very good day. It was my first day back on day shift. It wasn’t bad at all. I managed to get a good amount of sleep over the weekend so I wasn’t feeling tired or jet lagged from the shift change.
The weather was very hot and the temperature inside the building was very hot as well. It’s a good thing that I didn’t have to work too hard.
I started the day doing a few curved pieces, including a rail for a door that has a circular window in it.

These take a long time for the setup because you have to setup the suction pods in the ball park, then do a dry run with no piece on the machine to make sure that the tools don’t hit the pods. So it’s a bit of trial and error where you do a dry run, readjust the pods, then do another dry run and so on. Once it’s all setup properly, it takes about ten minutes to finish the piece when you run it for real.
After that I did a few door jambs.
After lunch it got hotter, but I spent a good portion of the afternoon in the air conditioned office doing some programming.

Part of the reason for me being on day shift is because the main dayshift operator is on vacation for two weeks. He’s usually the one who does all the programming, but since I’m technically taking his place, I get to do the programming that needs to be done. It’s nice to be able to work in the air conditioned room.
Other than that, it’s been pretty much ordinary.
I’ve done a good job of keeping up with my weight training. I did a quick session when I got home.
That’s going to be it for this one.
Thanks always to everyone for your support, and have a great one until next time!
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity,Moving Around Office,Weight Lifting
175 cm
Body Fat
4 Replies