I See👀, I Shoot📷, I Steemit♨️.Sometimes #whysocurious, sometimes #whysoserious. Hopefully more times a #happydolphin.
Today is 15th day of the Chinese New Year which is the last day of Chinese New Year. Wishing all a Happy and Prosperous New Year. In this post, I'm sharing the pictures of different decorations I took during a trip to Genting Highlands last month. First, this God of Fortune was greeting me at the lobby of the Resort Hotel.今天是元宵节,也就是农历新年的最后一天。祝大家新年快乐、兴旺发达。在这篇文章中,我分享了上个月去云顶高原旅行时拍摄的不同装饰的照片。首先,这位财神在名勝酒大堂迎接我。
It was the day I was volunteering at the Singapore Tennis Open. I was issued the badge.那天我在新加坡网球公开赛做志愿者。拿到了徽章。We went to the volunteer workforce shelter.我们去了志愿者工作休息处。 Went in for a briefing before we were deployed. 在被部署之前,我们去参加了简报会。 Passed by the main court.经过主球场。 I was deployed at the far end of court 1. Supposed to control the movement of the spectators but after the camera crew taped up the place where the camera was position, wasn't likely anyone was coming my way anytime soon.我被部署在 1 号球场的最远端。本来应该控制观众的移动,但在摄制组用胶带封住了摄像机的位置后,不太可能有人走向我这方向。 Took a selfie before other people came in.在其他人进来之前拍了一张自拍。 The players came and then the spectators.球员来了,然后是观众。 It was a few hours of standing before going out for lunch break.在出去吃午饭之前,我站了几个小时。 Lunch wasn't bad.午餐还不错。 Then I headed back to the courts. 然后我回到球场。 It wasn't crowded that day as it was day 1 and wasn't a ticketed event day.那天人不多,因为那是第一天,不是需要买票的活动日。 After a few more hours of standing, my
Went to the 100 over years old temple Lianshan Shuang Lin Monastery for Chinese New Year prayers on Sunday. After registering, we had to wait about an hour before we were let in for the prayers by the monks. After that, my wife and I went round for our own prayers.周日去百年古庙莲山双林寺欺负。登记后,我们等了大约一个小时才让我们进去补运。之后,我和太太各自去拜拜。
Went to club in the late afternoon on Saturday for pickleball. 3 ducks passed by.周六下午晚些时候去俱乐部打匹克球。3 只鸭经过。Few of us early birds trying to get a few more games before the Chinese New Year celebration later.我们几个早到的人想在稍后的农历新年庆祝活动之前再打几局。 Then more came to play.然后更多人来玩。 The food was delivered and setup for our gathering.食物送到了,为我们的聚会做好了准备。 The lion dance came by.舞狮来了。 It passed by our food table.它经过我们的餐桌。 Our own little lion joined the lion dance. 我们自己的小狮子也加入了舞狮。 We had a random pair doubles pickleball challenge. 我们进行了一场随机配对的双打匹克球挑战赛。 My partner and I fought hard and got 2nd place. Played 13 games that night. 我和我的搭档奋力拼搏,获得了第二名。当晚总共打了 13 局。 Thanks to the photographer for the group photo. 感谢摄影师拍摄的合影。 Our little prize for the mini pickleball tournament included a little umberlla, towel, mini fan, water bottle.我们参加迷你匹克球锦标赛的小奖品包括一把小雨伞、毛巾、迷你风扇和水瓶。
Went to the school on Saturday morning for taichi practice. 周六早上去学校练太极拳。The Chinese caligraphy group made a lot of couplets and greetings. 书法小组写了很多对联和祝福语。 We gathered for a Chinese New Year celenbration after practice. 练完太极拳后,我们聚在一起庆祝农历新年。 The principal and other VIPs were presented with Chinese New Year couplets.校长和其他贵宾收到了农历新年对联。 There were other performance and the yusheng was the highlight that many were waiting for.还有其他表演,鱼生是许多人期待的亮点。 Finally, it was time to toss the yusheng.最后,到了是捞鱼生的时候了。 Tossing for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.祝大家新年快乐、兴旺发。 Someone bought curry puffs and other food from Old Chang Kee.有人从老曾记买了咖喱角和其他食物。
Out out a trip to Genting Highlands last month. One of the days, my wife walked to check out the Chinese New Year decorations at Crockfords Hotel.上个月我们去了云顶高原度假。有一天,我太太特意去参观了Crockfords酒店的新年装饰布置。There were some stalls setup.那里搭建了不少节日摊位。 I walked around and looked at the stalls and decorations near there.我在附近闲逛时也看了看这些摊位和周围的装饰。 Then passed through the star gates.随后我们穿过了星形拱门。 There was a flowery arch just before the entrance of the hotel.酒店入口前布置着精美的花艺拱门。 This horse should catch more attention next year when it is year of the horse.这匹马的雕像明年到马年时应该会更抢眼吧。 Right now, the attention is on the snake. 😎毕竟今年聚光灯都在蛇年装饰上。😎 Their resident bears were still there.酒店里常驻的熊雕像依然矗立着。 <img src="