I See👀, I Shoot📷, I Steemit♨️.Sometimes #whysocurious, sometimes #whysoserious. Hopefully more times a #happydolphin.
Walking around for early dinner at Lorong 1 Toa Payoh recently. Saw a place with a poster with Chinese calligraphy interest group.最近在大巴窑1巷找个早晚餐。看到一个地方贴着一张中国书法兴趣小组的海报。There was a night market set up nearby.附近有一个夜市。 Quite a number of stalls. 有很多摊位。 There was also some carnival games. 还有一些嘉年华游戏。 I think it was partly to launch the opening of the new multi-purpose court. Looks like a nice sheltered place too.我想部分是为了启动新的多功能球场的开业。 Saw more night market stalls before reaching the coffeeshop.到达咖啡店之前,看到了更多的夜市摊位。 Reached the coffeeshop where my wife and I wanted to get yong tau foo.到达咖啡店后,我和太太想去买酿豆腐。 Went up to the stall and pick up our items.走到摊位前拿了我们的食物。 Two bowls of noodle with the items we chose cost $12.80 and I'm happy with mine.两碗面加上我们选的食物,花了$12.80 ,吃得还算满意。
Missed the taichi on Saturday morning because had to run some errand. Was going to NUS for a Healthy Longevity Open Day event in the afternoon. I had an early lunch at the coffeeshop near home and ate some roti prata. 周六早上因为要办事没去练太极拳。下午要去新加坡国立大学参加健康长寿开放日活动。我在离家不远的咖啡店吃了顿早午餐,吃了一些印度煎饼。
Went out for late lunch on Sunday as usual. Was at Lorong 8 Toa Payoh but went to the coffeeshop instead of the food centre.像往常一样,星期日很晚才去吃午饭。这次去了大巴窑8巷,但去了咖啡店而不是熟食物中心。It wasn't croweded there. 那里不是很拥挤。 Decided to get fish porridge from the fish soup stall.决定在鱼汤摊位买两碗鱼粥。 The two bowls of promfret porridge cost $5.50 each. My wife and I were satisfied with the light lunch.两碗鲳鱼粥每碗 $5.5 。我和太太对这顿清淡的午餐吃得满意。
Last Saturday, we were supposed a pickleball tournament from 5pm but it rained. Some people were taking shelter under an umbrella outside the bar restaurant. 上周六,我们原本计划在下午 5 点举行一场匹克球锦标赛,但下雨了。有些人在酒吧餐厅外的伞下避雨。Some people were just enjoying a drink near the bar.有些人只是在酒吧附近喝一杯。 More bored people were waiting in the reading room.更多无聊的人在阅览室等等等。 Few of our friends decided to go play mahjong.我们的几个朋友决定去打麻将。 Some went to play table tennis. 有些人去打乒乓球。 The rain became lighter.雨变小了。 The staff started to dry the courts but it started to rain heavily again.工作人员开始擦干球场,但又开始下大雨。 The rain stopped again after 6.30pm and the staff started to dry the courts again.下午 6:30 后雨又停了,工作人员又开始擦干球场。 Finally, we were able to start the tournament with the courts still slightly wet.最后,我们能够在球场仍然有点湿的情况下开始比赛。 By the time I played mixed doubles, courts were all dry. 当我打混合双打时,球场都干了。 Thanks to a friend for the group photo. Lost 2 games in the round robin with my partner who is relatively newer to the game but not unexpected result.感谢一位朋友的合影。在循环赛中,我和我的搭档输了 2 场比赛,我的搭档对这项运动算是比较新手,所以结果并不意外。</b
Looking for a place to spend some time before playing pickleball on Saturday. This Odeon 333 building has a few relatively new F&B outlets. 星期六打匹克球赛之前,我正在寻找一个消磨时间的地方。 这个奥迪安 333 大厦有一些相对较新的餐饮店。There is a couple of other cafes. 还有其他几家咖啡馆。 In the end, I went to hands and paid $3.20 cents for a slice of cake and a cup of coffee. Chill.最后,我去了Han's,花了$3.20买了一块蛋糕和一杯咖啡。乐逍遥。
Chance upon this food court I haven't been to. 偶然发现了这个我还没去过的食阁。Although a couple of stalls were empty, there was good enough variety.虽然有几个摊位是空的,但选择还算不错。 After walking around a bit, decided to get ban mian. 走了一会儿后,决定去买板面。 The signature dry noodle cost $6.50.招牌干面售价$6.50。 The Korean / Japanese food stall next to this was quite popular. 旁边的韩国/日本食品摊位挺受欢迎的咧。 Not sure if it's because I was hungry but I kind of like this noodle. Would have been better if it cost less.不知道是不是因为我饿了,但我有点喜欢这种面条。如果价格便宜一点就更好了。