
For those tired of reading the 'look at me i'm healthy posts', or those who are just wondering what's been my main focus this summer...
Hydronephrosis typically occurs when a kidney swells due to urine failing to drain properly from the kidney to the bladder. This most commonly affects only one kidney, but can involve both. Hydronephrosis isn’t a primary disease. It’s a secondary condition that results from some other underlying disease. It’s structural and is the result of a blockage or obstruction in the urinary tract. Hydronephrosis is said to affect about 1 in every 100 babies.
Hey, I'm one of those 100!
Normally, urine flows through the urinary tract with minimal pressure. Pressure can build up if there’s an obstruction in the urinary tract. After urine builds up for an extended period, your kidney can enlarge.
Your kidney may become so engorged with urine that it starts to press on nearby organs. If it’s left untreated for too long, this pressure can cause your kidneys to lose function permanently.
Mild symptoms of hydronephrosis include urinating more frequently and an increased urge to urinate. Other potentially severe symptoms you may experience are:
  • pain in the abdomen or flank
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • pain when urinating
  • incomplete voiding, or bladder emptying
  • a fever
Well that doesn't sound ideal and not really my past, but I have had an occasional pain in the left side over the years....
Interrupting the flow of urine increases your chances of getting a urinary tract infection (UTI). This is why UTIs are one of the most common complications of hydronephrosis. Some signs of a UTI include:
cloudy urine
painful urination
burning with urination
a weak urine stream
back pain
bladder pain
a fever
I don't recall having any of these issues to a degree to discomfort or disturb me, are you sure doc?
Getting a diagnosis as early as possible is extremely important. Your kidneys could be permanently damaged if your condition is left untreated for too long.
45 years is early enough, right?

In my case, 45 years wasn't early enough. Since birth, say the docs, my left Ureter (piss pipe from kidney to bladder) has been kinked and unable to let enough pee through at times. Those times mostly being when I've been on the beer, or recovering from the beer and downing as much water as possible.
I remember visiting the University doctors regarding a pain in my side, they tested my pee and told me I had quite a high levels of protein. No further tests took place.
Which is a bit of a fucking shame really, because in April this I had a reasonable portion of salty fish and drank litres of water over the course of an evening, woke up at 3am, did the biggest piss ever, and then proceeded to vomit for 12 hours.
When I'd finally stopped puking, I drove myself to accident and emergency and explaining to the Saturday afternoon skeleton staff that my stomach hurt and I'd been sick all day. They could see my left side was swollen, and so I was sent for a scan. And then 10 minutes later, a second signature, and another scan. At this point there were tears, not because of the pain, but I think due to the realisation they'd seen an issue and wanted better photos.
It's your left kidney, it's a bit bad.
It was about 2 more weeks until I had a better idea of just how bad. Another dose of Contrast was injected as I lay on a bed which was soon to be sent into the tunnel at my feet. To my right there was a screen showing my kidneys and my bladder as dark dull objects, until the right kidney started to light up. It took around 22 minutes for the Contrast funnelled to the right kidney to be processed fully and be present in my bladder. At 30 minutes I was told the first test was up and to go for a pee, and wait an hour. The left kidney was still barely visible, with no sign of the contrast.
An hour and 3 pees later I was back under the machine. I could see a little patch of white at the top of the left kidney, it had just started working on processing the Contrast. The report arrived the week later, and the summary was that my right kidney was normal and the left was in stage 4 of Chronic Kidney Disease.
The last 4/5 months have been mentally tough. Being told, in different words (and language at times) of course, that you've slowly killed your kidney with piss was a little upsetting to say the least. However, at least I know what's up now, have accepted responsibility, mostly forgiven myself, learned how to manage things for the time being.
  • Warm water with a bit of lemon seems to ease the niggle I've gotten used to over the years. Lemon reportedly lowers blood uric acid saving some work for the kidneys.
  • Animal meat over 50g a serving seems to slow my digestion and cause niggles, tuna seems ok
  • Coffee without other liquids in the system makes me sore
  • Beer without liquids in the system makes me sore. And being recommended to drink 1/5/2L of liquids per day, spread out over the day, means I'll unlikely be getting drunk for the foreseeable
  • Exercise, if it makes me sweat it is bad. No more 100 burpees, long cycles in 30+ degree heat, or 30 minute plank routines!
OK, so your left kidney is fucked, can they fix ya piss pipes?
They were going to have a go, and then bailed out. I'd signed forms n everything!
Apparently, there's not much to reattach a cut ureter back to - the narrow section is right at the top of the pipe next to my 'sultana' kidney (as named by Dr Dick, the Urologist, seriously!). There is risk of infection, and most importantly, I'm in generally really good health for a 45 year old - my insides have been somewhat successfully working around the issue.
Mr Penis did suggest a second opinion, which I thought strange as this team of 4 experts decided it was a 'no', for now. My doc says it might be worth a trip to Madrid later in the year. This surgery would be to rewire my left side, and not leave a catheter sticking out of my body right where you clamber back onto a paddleboard.
It's too soon to have shit sticking out of my side :(
Be positive, you've got 2 kidneys and the other is fine.
Said the nurse as I left the hospital a couple of months ago. And even though I can't sleep for more than a few hours without needing a pee, can no longer have an afternoon on the beer, or cycle up hills for hours on end, I'm trying.
Still here at least, got more hair, got more abs (lost 10kg), and got a couple of really supportive people close by.

Sorry, this post feels like an unordered mess but finally I have something written here.

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