My crochet hook and I against the world!
Accra - Ghana
I didn’t even know there was something like caring for a phone’s battery until I started buying my phones myself. For a long time, my brothers were the ones in charge of the kind of phones I was using and all I needed to do was to tell them when something went wrong. And I’m tempted to deny this but let me just say if you’re thinking I wasn’t taking good care of my phones, you’re right. After all, it wasn’t my money.
Before writing this, I was talking to a friend of mine and I asked her if she could tell me how I deal with people. She just went like “but do you even deal with people? You don’t o. You just avoid people and it is so annoying because small thing then you’d just vanish or ignore or go MIA for days”
Growing older, I have come to understand that one constant we can’t do away with in life are people. It’s never about what we have or what we do; it’s always about who we have. And the kind of life we live is partly dependent on the people around us.
When I was in primary 6, I was the one always representing my school for academic competitions at the lower primary level. There was this time I spent two weeks to prepare for a quiz competition only to fall ill two days before the competition day.
Hello everyone, I know always start my needlework posts with excitement but this one is an emotional post for me. It’s more about the reason behind why I made this amigurumi. I know I always say every project is special but this is probably the most special one ever.
When I saw this prompt, I asked my mom if she thinks I’m spontaneous or live by a routine. She laughed and said “you! routine?, do you even know what a routine is?” And that’s truly summarizes all that I’m about to say. Growing up in a house full of boys, there was nothing like routine. My parents tried several times to make follow this “time table” they made for us. We knew we had to take breakfast in the morning, lunch in the afternoon, supper in the evening. We also knew all chores had to be done in the morning but then we never stuck to any of it.