Hello, friends, wherever you're reading this.This is what I'm willing to let go of: the difficulty of finishing everything I start.
I swear, even my mother once told me: Abel, you can't start so many things and not finish any of them.
At the time she told me this, things were worse than they are now, as my level of irresponsibility was tremendous. Luckily for me and my family, I've matured, and right now I don't start anything I'm not willing to finish; to see it through to the end.
But it's hard for me. It's very hard for me to see things through to the end when many difficulties arise, or this project x I've gotten myself into drags on.
And that's wrong.
Right now, what's being affected the most is my literary career, as I have five novels started and only one completed. I have several short stories started and none completed in this latest series.
Unless an editor or someone pressures me, I don't finish them. And that only hurts me.
Luckily, I no longer start projects that involve other people and leave them half-finished, like I used to. And, of course, I looked bad in the eyes of many people.